
An interview with Tesla, the Modern Miracle-Worker, who is Harnessing the Rays of the Sun, has Discovered Ways of Transmitting Power without Wires and of Seeing by Telephone; has Invented a Means of Employing Electricity as a Fertiliser; and, Finally, is Able to Manufacture Artificial Daylight.
来自Pearson杂志的Chauncy Montgomery M'govern,5月1899年5月

NOT to stagger on being shown through the laboratory of Nikola Tesla requires the possession of an uncommonly sturdy mind. No person can escape a feeling of giddiness when permitted to pass into this miracle-factory and contemplate for a moment the amazing feats which this young man can accomplish by the mere turning of a hand.




You feel a creeping sensation course up your back, and you see the indicator slowly mounting up to nine hundred, and then one thousand volts, and you involuntarily close your eyes, expecting the young man to fall dead before you the very next minute. But he does not budge. Quickly the indicator goes up, up, up, until presently it shows that ten thousand volts, then two million volts of electricity are pouring through the frame of the tall young man, who does not move a muscle.




“哦,Pshaw!这些只是几个戏剧 - “尼古拉特斯拉在拜访他经历的惊讶中回答了他所经历的惊讶;“这些金额都不是什么 - 他们对伟大的科学世界没有价值。但过来在这里,我会告诉你一些事情,一旦我能够把东西带到工作形式,“然后他就穿过奇怪的光盘森林,就会在每个企业和家里都会在一切中展示一大革命铜和钢的神秘线圈,直到党到达砌体的凸起的砌体,在其上留下了一个充满水的玻璃的长缸,并被大镜子圈包围。该装置上的屋顶是玻璃,随着阳光倒出的,光线撞击镜子,再次反射向玻璃缸中,放大镜在撞击汽缸之前强化光线的热量。

Nikola Tesla


Nikola Tesla的计划来利用阳光的光线来做男人的竞标可能是他或其他任何人都有最大的壮大的工程壮举。虽然这个想法是如此之大,但它的原则是如此简单,小学生可以容易地理解它。它包括通过一系列复杂的镜子和放大镜将阳光的热量集中在一个点(玻璃瓶)上,直到得到的热量是完美的。


它将会看到这个计划的Te的对象sla is to do away with coal, wood, or other fuel, in the manufacture of steam. The remainder of his invention calls for the use of this sun-made steam-pressure, as steam-pressure made from coal is at present in use, throughout the world. The advantage of this Tesla invention is that the cost of manufacturing steam to generate electricity, which would propel say one hundred tram cars, would be infinitely smaller than the cost of the coal required to produce the power to do the same work. The cost of manufacturing the electricity to operate these one hundred tram cars by the Tesla plan, when once the sun station has been completed, would only be a sufficient amount to pay the salaries of a few engineers in charge of the sun-station.

“In this way electricity will be so cheapened,” says Mr. Tesla,” that it will be possible for the poorest factory-owner to use it as a power at a smaller cost than steam. Electricity will in this way supplant steam as a motive power on all railways and — in the shape of storage batteries — on all water vessels. And the humblest citizen will profit by the new system of producing electricity; for he can have it in his home to do all his cooking and lighting and heating. and it will be even cheaper for him than coal, wood, or petroleum.”


任何人可以欣赏特斯拉的大好事will confer on humanity by the early completion of this master task. Among other things it will solve a question that has been occupying the minds of scientific men for a long time, viz: As the supply of coal in the earth will be exhausted in about: thousand years, what are we going to do for fuel?” It was when Tesla first thought about the question that he turned his mind to the invention of some form of making power that would not depend upon coal. The plan to harness the sun’s rays is the result.

Quite independent of his scheme to harness old Sol, but yet capable of cooperation with it, is Tesla’s invention to transmit electrical power without the use of wires, this consists of a means of generating electricity in one spot, where it can be done with little cost, and transmitting the electricity to some other spot where it is impossible to generate electricity except at a big outlay of money.

Of course, it is now possible to transmit electrical power from one place to another by the use of electrical cables, but the cost of these transmitting cables is nearly as great as would be the cost of generating the electricity itself in the locality to which it is desired to transmit it. By the use of Tesla’s invention, the atmosphere takes the place of the electrical cables in the transmission of the power, and as the use of the atmosphere would be free, the cost of the transmission of electricity from one city to another would be merely nominal.

To make the atmosphere take the part of the costly cables, Tesla’s plan is to erect large power stations at every spot where a great waterfall like Niagara, for instance, makes the cost of generating electricity only trifling when the apparatus has once been constructed.



It will be observed that in this scheme Tesla depends on getting his electricity through the agency of the waterfalls, while in the previous scheme he depends upon the agency of the sun for the same purpose but the inventor is far from believing that the two schemes will conflict. He believes that when both inventions come into popular use they will work together for the common good of man. “The agency of waterfalls to generate electricity could be used when that agency is most convenient in view of natural conditions,” says Tesla, “and the agency of the sun could be used in all other cases. But my scheme of transmitting electrical energy without wires can be applied with equally good results to both systems.”

特斯拉在朝向这一点迈出的所有伟大发明中,他的无线电电视发明是最先进的,现在必须是公司的形成戴上公共汽车。本发明的原理现在几乎太众所周知,无法延长解释。简而言之,它包括构造一种装置来搅拌地球中的电流,使得它们的扰动将在围绕世界的不同部分的第二装置上感受到它们的扰动。电流的不同干扰在第二装置上产生相应的不同印象 - 接收器 - 以这种方式易于布置可理解的代码。

For the benefit of non-scientific people the great inventor has described for me his wire-less telegraphy invention in the following words:


“When I withdraw the piston,” continued Tesla, ” the bag will shrink just so much as there is water drawn up into my tube; and now if I put a second tube with a piston-rod into the bag at the other end, at every pressure of the first piston-rod the effect will be felt and measured in the second tube. Now if a certain action of one piston-rod indicates a certain word or a certain sentence, if you watch the other piston-rod carefully you may easily read it. This is exactly what takes place in wireless telegraphy,” concluded Tesla; ” let the rubber bag stand for the earth, the water for the electric currents in the earth, and the two tubes and piston-rods for a sending oscillator and receiving oscillator. One sort of disturbance by one oscillator means a certain sentence, and when this particular disturbance is recorded on the second oscillator the operator there knows exactly how to interpret it.”

The “oscillators” to which the inventor refers are huge discs on which are insulated hundreds of coils of copper wire whose ends connect with the centre of the disc, where there is a huge round copper ball. They are really the only apparatus required for wireless telegraphy. To operate them Tesla simply turns the transmitting oscillator face downwards, and turns on a current which causes immense tongues of visible electric flashes to leap from the ball into the ground. The receiving oscillator has a delicate contrivance which throbs with each disturbance of the earth’s electric currents and records them on a specially contrived apparatus.

Tesla的最不令人着迷于Tesla的许多发明是他给出了“视觉电报”的名称。With this apparatus one person has only to look into the receiver of an ordinary telephone in one city, and, while talking to a friend a thousand miles away, he can watch the expression on the other’s face, criticise the cut of his new suit of clothing, or advise him what to do for that tired look about the eyes. In this invention the experimental apparatus has proved thoroughly successful. The principle of this invention is that just as much as sound-waves make an impression on the immediate atmosphere, so do light waves make their impression.

Nikola Tesla的无线电报设备

“Now, as sound waves of the human voice are transmitted miles and miles by the present telephone after their impression is made on the telephone transmitter,” says Mr. Tesla, “just so my experiments have demonstrated that the light waves of the human body can be transmitted by a different sort of telephone miles and miles away. All we need is the invention of a new transmitter. As the impressions of light waves are so many times more delicate than the impressions of sound waves, it follows that to transmit the impression of the human face, for instance, we require a transmitter many times more delicate. Now, selenium being an extremely sensitive substance, I have utilised this material in the construction of the transmitter which I have just described, and I have found it to be perfectly satisfactory.”

To make our homes, our offices, and the streets at midnight as light as day, is another of the great tasks which Mr. Tesla set out for himself many years ago. His hope was to invent a new kind of electric light which would have the strong, steady glow of sunlight.



The hand of Nikola Tesla, taken by his wonderful artificial daylight, just perfected. This is the first photograph made by the light of the future


Not the least ingenious of Tesla’s great schemes is his invention to fertilise impoverished land by electricity. When Tesla has a company formed to put this invention on the market it will no longer be necessary for the farmer to spend half his year’s receipts in purchasing fertilisers. He has only to buy an electric fertiliser of his own, which he can secure for a trifle at the nearest town.


The explanation which Mr. Tesla gives of just why so simple a piece of work should be productive of such wonderful results is not difficult to comprehend. ” Everyone knows,” says he, ” that the constituent of a fertiliser which makes the ground productive is its nitrogen. Everybody knows also that nitrogen forms four-fifths of the volume of the atmosphere above that piece of unfertile land. This being the case it occurred to me: ‘Where is the sense in the farmer buying expensive nitrogen when he has it free of cost at his own door? All the agriculturist needs is some method by which he can separate some of this nitrogen from the atmosphere above the ground and place it on the surface.’ And it was to discover this means that I set to work.”

As far as the non-technical eye can perceive, the working model of the electric fertiliser consists of nothing but an upright copper cylinder with a removable top, with a spiral coil of wire running throughout the length of the cylinder. Through the bottom of the cylinder are two wires, which connect with a specially constructed dynamo. A quantity of loose earth, treated by a secret chemical preparation in liquid form, is shoveled into the cylinder, an electric current is passed through the confined atmosphere; the oxygen and hydrogen are thus expelled, and the nitrogen which remains is absorbed into the loose earth. There is thus produced as strong a fertiliser for a nominal price at home as it is possible to purchase at a large cost miles and miles away.

Mention is made in this paper of only those inventions of Mr. Tesla which have passed beyond the experimental stage. But there are hundreds of other promised wonders in the yet incipient stage of development in the great inventor’s miracle-factory. As I have heard one of his admirers express it, an enumeration of these ” sounds like the dream of a half-intoxicated god.” Signaling to other planets, raising of certain of the dead by electricity, ending all wars by a terrible machine — these are a few suggestions selected at random.

Nikola Tesla is a young man yet, and on this account many of his promises have been looked upon by older scientists as but fanciful dreams of a youthful mind. He has scarcely ever made any invention which the scientific world has accepted as possible on the first public announcement. But sooner or later the scientific wiseacres have been compelled to admit that Tesla has proven their theories to be wrong.

这些保守的科学家如何在特斯拉的“乌托邦宣传”中嘲笑,当时他第一次建议男人应该利用伟大的尼亚加拉瀑布!但是当企业正式完成时,他们谦卑地似乎有充分的骄傲。再次,当他宣布了“特斯拉线圈”的发明时,他们将他放下作为“管道梦想家”。但是,他们中最聪明的是,他们的巨大最聪明地在“线圈”上工作,结果是其中一个 - 罗涅士 - 发现了他着名的X射线。没有人有幸亲自认识特斯拉,听到他解释他的计划,并通过他独特的研讨会表现出来,丝毫怀疑他的每一个承诺将以同样成功的方式实现。