

If you’re a do-it-yourself kind of person, you may be wondering if you have to pay to have someone come out to your house and install your solar panels for you. But if you’re careful and prepared, you can install solar panels yourself. Read on to learn how to install solar panels yourself.

Pick a Spot on Your Roof

The first step in installing your own solar panels is to decide where you want to put them on your roof. Placement is going to be important because it will determine how much sun your panels will see every day. You want to make sure the area you pick doesn’t get too much shade for most of the day – the more sun, the better.



After you figure out where your solar panels are going to go on your roof, you need to start taking a look at the roof support structure. Not every roof will be able to support the weight of the solar panels and their anchoring system. In particular, it’s not a good idea to put solar panels on a roof that will need repair in the next few years.

If you plan to have your roof worked on in the foreseeable future, you want to have that done before you put in the solar panels. It may mean a few years’ delays while you save the money up, but it will save you money in the long run. If you go ahead and install solar panels, you’ll have to disconnect them and take them down before your roof repair later.

Pick Your Solar Type


You can also choose to install a solar panel system that produces thermal heat. This system convertssolar power into heat这可以温暖你的家,运行热水器。如果你居住在寒冷的地方,这是减少暖气成本的好方法,并在加热方面变得更加绿色。


A big question you’ll need to answer before you get your solar panels up is how you’re going to得到the power your panels produce. Unless you have a custom-built system, your home is designed to take its power from the city power grid. More than likely, you’ll have to run your solar power into the power grid before you can use it to power your home.

What this means is you’re going to be working with your city power company to figure out a way to manage your solar power. They may give you a waiver for the amount of power you produced to offset the amount of non-renewable energy youdidn’t have to use。Or they may not be willing to work with you on your solar panels at all (although that scenario is less likely).

Before you start buying any solar panels, check on your city and国家对太阳能的政策。如果你知道其他任何人太阳能电池板their house, talk to them and ask how they managed to connect to the grid. The more information you can go armed with, the better the response you’re likely to get.


Now that it’s finally time to pick out your solar panels, you need to decide how you want to pay for them. You can lease them or buy them, and the tradeoffs are much the same as they are when it comes to leasing or buying a house. If you have the money to do it, buying your solar panels up-front can save you more money in the long run.

But if you can’t afford to buy your solar panels outright, there are some great leasing options. Some companies will let you lease them on a rent-to-own type policy where you pay for your panels over the course of several years. Others keep a lease connected to the house, so if you think you may move anytime in the near future, you should take that into account.

Review the Contract

Whether you decide to lease or buy, you’ll sign a contract with a solar panel sales company, such as one of the太阳能公司在内陆帝国。与任何合同一样,您想仔细审核并确保您在协议中的所有内容都可以。太阳能电池板可以持续数十年,所以在最后一个面板拧到屋顶后,任何问题都可以困扰你。

Your contract should include details about financing, ownership, and performance expectations on the equipment.

Take a look at performance reviews on the specific panels you’ll be getting and make sure their guarantees match up with that data. You should also ask if the company will be collecting data on your home energy production and usage since many panels these days are web-enabled.

As with any contract, there’s going to be a lot of legalese and things you may not understand. Ask for clarification on any points you’re confused about, and be wary of companies that refuse to give you clear answers. If you’re worried about what you’re signing, take it to a lawyer and ask them to review the contract with you.

Install the Inverter

所以你弄清楚了融资,你已经讨论了安装细节,你签了合同,现在是时候开始安装一些太阳能电池板了!好吧,排序 - 首先你必须安装逆变器。这是转换直流电的直流能源,您的太阳能电池板将产生您可以在您的房子中使用的交替电流。

If you don’t have experience working with electrical systems in a house, it’s a good idea to get professional help with this. These systems are finicky, and you don’t want to get shocked. Worse yet, you don’t want to have a system that isn’t wired properly and either blows out your new solar panels or catches your house on fire.



Once the electrical system is in place, you can finally start putting the solar panels on the roof. You’ll want to start by finding the support structure – specifically the beams – on your roof. A stud finder is a great tool for this job if you happen to have one.

You’ll need to screw each stanchion on your支撑轨道through the roof and into a rafter. Be sure to do this slowly so you don’t split any of the rafters; also make sure the stanchion flashing fits below the shingles so you don’t wind up with a leak. Once the stanchions are on, bolt the upper and lower aluminum rails onto them and drive them down securely.

Make sure the upper and lower rails are square, and then attach the middle rail.

Run the Wiring

With the rails firmly attached to the roof, it’s time to run the wiring. First, you’ll need to run the wiring from your inverter in your garage or basement up to the roof. Make sure power to the house is off for this whole operation.

Each panel will have a micro-inverter that it needs to hook up to. Attach these and then put a 6-gauge bare copper ground on each inverter to ground the whole system. Connect the wires from one array of solar panels to the next, and your electrical system should be good to go.

Mount the Panels

Now, at long last, it’s time to mount your solar panels. This should be a straightforward process; most solar panels will come with simple-to-use retaining clips that you’ll screw onto the rails. Snap together the electrical hookups, and check everything to make sure it’s secure and you don’t have any extra pieces.


Learn More About How to Install Solar Panels

Putting solar panels on your roof is a great way to decrease your carbon footprint and save money. Installed and maintained properly, these panels can last you decades and cut down on the number of nonrenewable resources your home uses. Be careful and prepared through the whole process, and going green doesn’t have to be hard.

If you’d like to learn more about how to install solar panels and other tips for green living, check out the rest of our site at Nu Energy. We have articles about green business, living, and energy. Check out our乐动娱乐app今天。