High frequency plasma circuit (Electronic Ion Pump)
该电路利用具有电线绕组的反激式变压器,其在其铁氧体磁芯中添加。高压,高频是变压器在20至170kHz的共振中被驱动的结果。反激式变压器提供高压,高频。它的产出与围绕它的能量海洋和谐。就像海洋的波浪一样,进入常规节拍笔记,它符合其输出的辐射能量。该来源可用于激发NU能量燃料电池™,生产电力或“概念证明”辐射能量回路。Robert E. Iannini设计了这次电路。该电路可以从信息无限制地购买。它是项目#tcl50。可以构建较便宜的电路。Click here for online diagram.
反激(T1)将两个添加的初级线圈添加到其铁氧体核心,其在推挽式配置中由两个MOSFET(Q1和Q2)驱动。这种设计发生了全核饱和度,这使得在MOSFET上的应变即使在5到7 AMPS的当前抽取时也会运行相当凉爽。时钟电路(I1)通过内部占空比产生同步信号180度。使用控制罐(R3)变量是可变的。这允许频率微调,驱动T1在谐振中,可以从反激,从反激,从而延伸到各种调整。电容器(C2)和R3将驱动频率确定为初级绕组。电阻(R2)设置平滑操作的占空比。电感器(L1)和电容器(C1)耦合MOSFET和时钟电路I1。电阻(R4)和(R5)消除了在Q1和Q2的栅极上可能发生的寄生振荡。电阻(R6)和C3形成缓冲网络以吸收任何可以通过电感T1产生的泄漏能量。 This is to prevent the Mosfets from quickly breaking down if high-voltage spikes occur in the network. C4 and C5 by-pass any high-frequency that could appear at the primary center point of T1.
This circuit draws maximum 5 to 7 amps when properly tuned. I use a small 12-volt direct current (dc) computer processing unit (CPU) fan, that is normally used in personal computers, to cool the flyback transformer.
- Spread out and identify electronic components and hardware. Confirm resistor values by using resistor color codes.
- Insert and solder all electronic and electrical components onto a 2-inch square piece of perforated construction board. The blue wires are 20-gauge to carry 5 to 7 amps of current.
- Parallel wind 15 turns of 18-gauge magnet wire onto a plastic 1½-inch long, ½-inch inner diameter plastic tube. Connect one wire from the top of one of the coiled wires to the bottom end of the opposite coil, this is your B & C connection. Then wrap these coils tight with electrical tape. Carefully separate the flyback transformer’s two core halves. Add 0.02-inch thick shims (business card thickness) between the core halves then reassemble. Use hot-glue or equivalent glue to hold the cores in place.
- Mount Q1 & Q2 onto transistor heat sinks.
- Recheck all wiring according to the schematic.
- Turn R3 fully counter-clock-wise, switch S1 to off, insert 10 amp fuse into it’s holder.
- 将AMP-Meter的负探头连接到供电。正探针在12伏电源上连接到负端子。
- Now connect the positive terminal on your power supply to the positive input of the high-voltage, high-frequency inverter circuit.
- Next, turn on power switch S1, notice a reading of 1 amp on your meter. Slowly adjust R3 clock-wise and there should be a rise in your reading to about 2 amps. You should also see some ion glow around the output terminal. This is the lowest operational output that this circuit put out and can be used continuously in this mode without overheating. Continue to turn R3 and you should then notice a sharp rise in your reading. This is the maximum operational mode and you should be reading around 7 amps. Do not continue to operate in this mode as the flyback can become quickly damaged without being cooled.
- You can enclose the flyback in a 6-inch PVC tube. Seal around all wire feeds using silicon sealant. Use PVC plumber’s cement to seal tube pieces. Make sure that your circuit is functioning properly before making final seals.
- 您可以将PVC用矿物油填充到T1顶部。如果您在其直立位置使用本机,则无需密封顶盖。通过使用小型12伏特定个人计算机处理单元(CPU)风扇冷却,您还可以通过冷却反激,消除油及其相关混乱的额外重量。
- The output of the flyback is terminated to a suitable hardware bolt.
Parts List
All resistors are ¼-watt, 5 % tolerance, unless otherwise indicated
- R1-10-ohms
- R2-1,000-ohms
- R3-10,000-ohms potentiometer
- R4, R5-15-ohms
- R6-10-欧姆,3瓦,非归纳
- C1-100-µF, 25-WVDC, electrolytic
- C2-3300-pF, 50-WVDC, polyester
- C3-0.01-µF, 2KV, ceramic-disc
- C4-2200-µF, 25-WVDC, electrolytic
- C5-0.47-μF,250-WVDC,聚酯
- IC1-SG3525A pulse-width modulator, integrated circuit-Silicon General
Miscellaneous: electrical
- S1-SPST 7-amp switch
- T1-Modified flyback transformer -see text
- L1-1-mH choke coil
- F1-10-amp保险丝和保险丝支架
- Heat sinks & mica insulators for Q1 & Q2
- 20-gauge wire
- 18尺寸线
Miscellaneous: hardware
- 2-inch square perforated construction board
- 2-3-inch flat PVC end caps
- 6-inch length of 3-inch diameter PVC tube
- 矿物油或12伏直流迷你风扇
电力是EXTREMELY DANGEROUS并谨慎在其工作时始终使用。请花点时间教育自己。如果您不了解某些内容,请在尝试之前进一步调查。采取百科全书,科学书籍和其他参考资料的自由主义优势。此文件仅供参考。我们不控制建筑工具,施工方法,也不控制建设的应用;WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DANGEROUS OR UNDESIRABLE RESULTS.使用高电压时始终使用橡胶手套。
Disclaimer:The author assumes no liability for any incidental, consequential or other liability from the use of this information. All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user. Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material, we assume no responsibility for omissions or errors.