

无线电活动,必须记住,是物质的一般性。如果无线电活跃的转变理论继续激发越来越多的信心,它将导致地质学的重要后果。它将仔细研究岩石中发生的元素的比例,以确定其相对古代。显着的是,无线电活跃变换的假设很好地适应了无线电活动科学的现状。这是苏利居里末期提出的人之一,并在我们对无线电活动的研究开始时,但它利亚在卢瑟福教授和耶迪的手中获得了完美的发展,因为这通常归因于此原因。然而,它在我看来,最好不要离开域名证明的事实,而不是忽视已经提出的无线电活动的其他解释。科学的实际状态似乎对我来说似乎没有足够的进步,以保证积极的结论。个人mme。居里是一个非常谦虚而难以置信的女人。她已经多年来一直是Sorbonne实验室中最有效的原始工人之一。 According to a writer in London Truth she takes all the honors heaped upon her with great modesty and is ” the most unobtrusive, reserved person possible.” The English writer says: She is a little better dressed now than formerly, but with extreme plainness.

肤色仍然是在炉子加热室,灰烬和无光泽的毛刺中留下的一个,除了几个银螺纹。她仍然很难阅读,在_俄罗斯靴子的脚后跟和官方嫉妒所有科学调查的官方的眼中,在华沙下来的后果。MME。居里谈到了大学,她的父亲填满了化学椅子,因为它的所有走廊手指柱指向西伯利亚。作为一名讲师,她密切关注自己的陈述和示范,冒着未经证实的冒险冒险,无论她可能都有所划分的推论。在所有愿望或炫耀的所有情况下,她都是无辜的。她的实验室保存在苹果馅饼秩序中,她的笔记本表明普通,简单,对良好的海员的日志表现出来。他们用审讯说明刷毛。。。 . Mme. Curie is essentially womanly. But she lost her mother early and was brought up at her father’s side, in his laboratory, and not warped from her true nature according to any conventional standard of femininity. She evolved from within according to her opportunities and the tender paternal guidance, and became on chemistry an authority in the minds of the university students who came to the laboratory. The suspicious prying of the police taught her how necessary it was to hold her tongue. Reticence in speech became her second nature. Mme. Curie is greatly hindered in her researches by the rapid rise in the price of radium. It is to be hoped the French Government will be able to borrow some grains of the Austrian on the basis of an insurance bond given to the lender. Mme. Curie lectures regularly before the Sorbonne explaining the progress of her work and setting forth what she expects to prove by her experiments.