有鸡可以是一个优秀和富有成效的关系,但你知道如何妥善清洁鸡舍吗?根据您的外壳设计方式(检查这些令人敬畏的布局Organicchickenfeed.com), it can be daunting trying to figure out how to clean each of the living areas in the coop.




然而,在开始之前,如果您有一个已经有鸡或以前有鸡的鸡虎,则首先铲掉所有的污垢,粪便,蜘蛛网和羽毛。清洁鸡舍的最安全和最佳方式是white vinegar, so taking the time to scrape out any solid matter will help the vinegar work its magic.

Step One: Hose Everything Down



Make a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water, or straight vinegar if things are exceptionally grimy, and coat all the surfaces. Then taking a broom or brush, vigorously scrub everything down. Be sure to give everything a good scrub for optimal results!




Now that you’ve done the brunt of the work take some time to scrub down all the feeders and water sources to remove built-up grime. Add fresh hay to nesting boxes, so your chickens have a nice place to relax.

您也可能想要投资硅藻土洒在地板和嵌套盒es to keep bugs away. You can even occasionally add a little to their feed to keep them healthy, year-round! Learninghow to deter bugs当你收集鸡蛋时,将是一个巨大的帮助!



How Often Do You Clean a Chicken Coop?


Depending on the number of chickens you have and their particular habits (like pooping where they sleep), you may want to do some maintenance every day. With the right steps in your back pocket, this process shouldn’t take more than 15–20 minutes each time you clean!

For more insightful articles about taking care of your feathered and furry friends, check out the other pet articles on我们的博客!