Did you know that humans could have as little as10 years leftto make major changes before the environment reaches a critical tipping point?




哥本哈根是我最环保的城市之一n the world for many reasons. For starters, an astonishing fact is that Copenhagen has比汽车更多的自行车. This is a prime example of how everyday citizens can band together to make an incredible difference in air pollution.




Aside from implementing clean energy sources and preserving natural landscapes, there’s also a growing number of vegans in Stockholm. Since动物农业是全球变暖的最糟糕的罪犯之一,您可以觉得一个致力于制作绿色生活方式的城市的伟大支持,可达和美味。

3. Singapore


Singapore also has high ambitions of becoming 80% green by 2030. They’ll do so by incorporating more green technology like a太阳能动力垃圾压缩机并建立更多自我可持续性的公寓布局。

4. Portland, Oregon


5. Vancouver, Canada

Vancouver’s current goal is to ensure at least93% of their energy来自可再生资源,主要是水电。由于人们已经了解了最大限度地减少浪费的具有挑战性,温哥华公民正在以聪明的方式来汇集。例如,由下水道和垃圾填埋场产生的甲烷气体正在被重新成为热处理的能量。

Now You Know the Most Eco-Friendly Cities

If you’re passionate about saving the environment, visiting the most eco-friendly cities in the world can give you a lot of inspiration. Once you learn how others live in these 5 cities, you can learn a few tricks to use when you’re back home.

Do you want to know other ways you can adopt a greener lifestyle? Explore our site to find more helpful tips and guides.