
If your new year’s resolution this year was togo greenand save green, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve gathered the perfect tips for you on how to lower your gas bill and be a hero.

您是否知道家中的小型行为甚至可以转化为降低二氧化碳排放量?下次你做了一堆洗衣时,在寒冷的环境下运行并通过约减少排放量1.2-14.9磅per load.

In this article, we’ll dive into both how you can reduce your carbon footprint and how to lower your gas bill, all at once.




It’s likely that lowering your thermostat just a few degrees won’t make a large difference in your day to day life, however, when the bill comes, you might see a decrease as much as 5 to 10 percent!

Don’t forget about your water heater thermostat. The standard manufacturer-set temperature for a water heater is about140度,但如果您将其降至120左右,您也可能会注意到。试验温度并观察您的票据。


确实,当你戴帽子和袜子时,你会感到很多温暖 - 这就是为什么你永远不会看到触发器中的爱斯基摩人。

The next time you feel a chill in your home, instead of reaching for the thermostat controller, instead reach for a pair of fuzzy socks and a baseball hat. Your wallet will thank you.


如果您要保存绿色并结束绿色,请安装智能HVAC系统实际上是一个智能移动。它将让您舒适(身体和经济上),并帮助降低您的能源使用。了解为什么节能HVAC系统will keep both you and the earth happy.


仅仅因为你的父母使用天然气并不意味着你必须。世界正在变化,化石燃料的价格也是如此。如果您要更改您使用的能量,请考虑像辐射能,ld体育下载 ,和乐动体育足球 .



了解是否有您所在地区的丙烷送货服务and make the switch today.


Now that you have some ideas on how to lower gas bill, you can start taking responsibility for your energy usage.

For more information on eco-friendly tips, renewable energy info, and green business ideashead over to NuEnergy和生活绿色lifesty得到最好的技巧le.