特斯拉’s first radiant energy receiver

By Bruce A. Perreault
Brooklyn Eagle 1932年7月10日Nikola Tesla国家:我已经利用了宇宙射线并导致它们操作动机设备。Cosmic Ray调查是一个非常接近我的主题。我是第一个发现这些光线的人,我自然地对他们感到朝向自己的肉体和血液。我已经提出了一个宇宙射线的理论,在我的每一步,我发现它完全证明它。宇宙光线的有吸引力的特征是它们的恒定。他们在整个整个24小时内淋浴我们,如果开发出植物使用他们的电力,它将不需要用于使用风,潮汐或阳光的设备所需的能量来储存能量。我所有的调查似乎都指出了它们是小颗粒的结论,每次携带这么小的费用,我们在呼叫他们中子时得到了合理的费用。它们具有巨大的速度,超越光线。超过25年前,我开始努力利用宇宙光线,我现在可以说明我已经成功地通过它们操作了动机设备。我将以最常见的方式告诉你,宇宙雷电离空气,设置自由的电荷离子和电子。 These charges are captured in a condenser which is made to discharge through the circuit of the motor. I have hopes of building my motor on a large scale, but circumstances have not been favorable to carrying out my plan.

Device to Harness Free Cosmic Energy Claimed by Nikola Tesla


特斯拉第一辐射能量接收器图This is a diagram of Tesla’s first radiant energy receiver. It stored static electricity obtained from the air and converted it to a usable form. Tesla’s invention is a simple version of T.H. Moray’s device. Moray’s device used a unique rectifier (RE-valve) to efficiently capture the static electricity from the surrounding air. Moray’s oscillator tubes (magnetron transducers) utilized this high-voltage energy to generate an internal secondary “cold” fusion reaction.


Nikola Tesla free energy concept was patented in 1901 as an “用于利用辐射能量的装置。” The patent refers to “the sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, like cosmic rays,” that the device works at night is explained in terms of the night-time availability of cosmic rays. Tesla also refers to the ground as “a vast reservoir of negative electricity.”

特斯拉因辐射能源和自由能量而着迷。他叫做Crokok的辐射计,这是一种在暴露于辐射能量时在真空中旋转的叶片的装置“一致的发明”。他相信将通过“连接自然的轮子工作”直接利用能源。在他的76岁生日,在他年度仪式新闻发布会上,特斯拉宣布了“宇宙射线电机” when asked if it was more powerful than the Crooke’s radiometer, he answered, “thousands of times more powerful.”

1901年,Nikola Tesla是第一个识别“辐射能量”的特斯拉。特斯拉说,这种能量的来源是我们的太阳。他得出结论,太阳散发出小颗粒,每次携带这么小的电荷,它们具有巨大的速度,超越光线。特斯拉进一步说明这些颗粒是中子颗粒。特斯拉认为,这些中子颗粒对所有放射性反应负责。辐射物质与这些中子颗粒曲调。辐射物质仅仅是从一个状态到另一个状态的能量的再发射器。


From the electric Potential that exists between the elevated plate (plus) and the ground (minus), energy builds up in the capacitor, and, after “a suitable time interval,” the accumulated energy will “manifest itself in a powerful discharge” that can do work. The capacitor, says Tesla, should be “of considerable electrostatic capacity,” and its dielectric made of “the best quality mica, for it has to withstand potentials that could rupture a weaker dielectric.”

harvesting free energy with device特斯拉gives various options for the switching device. One is a rotary switch that resembles a Tesla circuit controller, another is an electrostatic device consisting of two very light, membranous conductors suspended in a vacuum. These sense the energy build-up in the capacitor, one charging positive, the other negative, and, at a certain charge level, are attracted, touch, and thus fire the capacitor. Tesla also mentions another switching device consisting of a minute air gap or weak dielectric film that breaks down suddenly when a certain potential is reached.

特斯拉接收了这两项辐射能量装置的专利;美国专利No.685,957 -用于利用辐射能量的装置和美国专利No.685,958 -利用辐射能量的方法。这两项专利都在1901年3月21日提交,并于1901年11月5日授予。在这些专利中,他解释说:

“The sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy throw off minute particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon the upper plate, communicate continuously an electrical charge to the same. The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser and inasmuch as the particles are …charged to a very high potential, this charging of the condenser may continue, as I have actually observed, almost indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric.”



积极的粒子在ionosphe停止re and between it and the negative charges in the ground, a distance of 60 miles, there is a large difference of voltage – something on the order of 360,000 volts. With the gases of the atmosphere acting as an insulator between these two opposite stores of electrical charges, the region between the ground and the edge of space traps a great deal of energy. Despite the large size of the planet, it is electrically like a capacitor which keeps positive and negative charges apart by using the air as a non-conducting material as an insulator.

The earth has a charge of 96,500 coulombs. With a potential of 360,000 volts, the earth constitutes a capacitor of .25 farads (farads = coulombs/volts). If the formula for calculating the energy stored in a capacitor (E =1/2CV2) is applied to the earth, it turns out that the ambient medium contains 1.6 x 1011 joules or 4.5 megawatt-hours of electrical energy. In order to utilize this high-voltage energy you must do two things — make an energy sink and then devise a way of making the “sink” oscillate.


这种“水槽”必须比周围介质更低的能量状态,并且对于能量不断流入其中,必须连续地将能量泵出来。此外,该“水槽”必须保持较低的能量状态,同时满足附加到它的负载的电源要求。电能,瓦特秒,是伏特X AMPS X秒的乘积。由于振荡周期不会改变,因此电压或电流必须是该系统能量方程中的变量。在系统中使用双线卷绕线圈,因为双绕缠绕线圈最大化其匝之间的电压差,然后最小化电流。

A coil in our system, then, will be set into oscillation at its resonant frequency by an external power source. During the “zero-point” portion of its cycle the coil will appear as one plate of a capacitor. As the voltage across the coil increases, the amount of charge it can siphon will increase. The energy that is taken into the coil through the small energy window (zero-point), call it what you will, appears to be the key to the success of this system. It is at this zero-point where energy is condensed into positive and negative components of current. When energy escapes from the “sink” the magnetic field collapses and a strong magnetic quake is created in it’s wake. A properly tuned system can capture and convert radiant energy in such a prescribed arrangement.

Energy Directly from the Atom


特斯拉的“COIL FOR ELECTRO MAGNETS,“专利#512,340是一种非常特殊的线圈设计,因为与通过在管形式上的转动线制成的普通线圈不同,这一个在形式上彼此相邻铺设两根线,而是用第一架连接到第二个开始。在该专利中,特斯拉解释说,双线圈将多次存储传统线圈的能量。[1]测量同一尺寸的两个线圈和具有相同的匝数,一个具有单个,另一个具有双向绕组,显示电压增益的差异。这些平面的Tesla的线圈可以仅基于它们的电活动来解释。双线线圈能够比单个缠绕线圈保持更多的电荷。当以谐振操作时,双丝网线圈的分布电容能够克服正常到线圈的反电动势(即,e.m.f.),电感电抗。

由于电活动,双系线圈不能以反击 - 即,e.m.f的形式反对自身的工作,横跨线圈的电位快速构建到高值。转弯之间的差异足够大,使得能量实际上是所有潜力,此时系统变为静电振荡器。


By reviewing history it is understandable why some inventions are not commercialized. It is economics, not science, that is the main factor. It will be remembered that alternating current was opposed by powerful financiers in Tesla’s time.

Michael Pupin,他的自传:



发明家宣布发现替代燃料在driving machinery. Calls Sun main source. A principle by which power for driving machinery of the world may be developed from the cosmic energy which operates the universe, has been discovered by Nikola Tesla, noted physicist and inventor of scientific devices, he announced today. This principle, which taps a source of power described as “everywhere present in unlimited quantities” and which may be transmitted by wire or wireless from central plants to any part of the globe, will eliminate the need of coal, oil, gas or any other of the common fuels, he said. Dr. Tesla in a statement today at his hotel indicated the time was not far distant when the principle would be ready for practical commercial development. Asked whether the sudden introduction of his principle would upset the present economic system, Dr. Tesla replied, “It is badly upset already.” He added that now as never before was the time ripe for the development of new resources. While in its present form, the theory calls for the development of energy in central plants requiring vast machinery. Dr. Tesla said he might be able to work out a plan for its use by individuals. The central source of cosmic energy for the earth is the Sun, Dr. Tesla said, but “night will not interrupt the flow of new power supply.”

Nikola Tesla Portrait circa 1890显然,特斯拉不是在谈论原子反应堆。他正直接转化通过辐射物质产生的电离颗粒。我们今天知道它不是核能。特斯拉辐射能量直接转换为电力!特斯拉认为太阳产生高电荷的颗粒,并且辐射物质是能量的再发射器,这是这种可用于实际目的的能量转移。


[1]Nikola Tesla,美国专利#512,340,“用于电磁磁体的线圈”,他解释说,1000圈的标准线圈在其上具有100伏的电位,在转弯之间具有.1伏的差异。类似的双线线圈在转弯之间的电位将具有50伏的电位。在此,存储的能量是平方电压的平方的函数,平方中的能量将是502 /.12 = 2500 / .01 = 250,000次大于标准线圈。

[2]来自移民的Michael Pupin到Inventor,Charles Scribner的Sons,N.Y.,页面285-286,1923。