Get Rid Of Garden Pests Without Chemicals

Residential gardening in America produces80 million pounds of pesticideseach year. These chemicals infiltrate the soil and your food. They’re also dangerous for your children and pets to be around.





Many pests are attracted to decomposing plants and food. If you have a compost bin in your backyard, move it far away from your garden.

Bugs and insects are important for the decomposition process. You should still have a compost bin and丢弃这种方式的食物浪费。但是,避免将其靠近害虫可以传播和继续进食的花园附近。

You should also remove dead plants, leaves, and debris from your garden. As they begin to decompose, pests will come for the buffet.


2. Add Variety

生物多样性是大自然的魔术。不only does it encourage plants to grow healthy and strong, but it also prevents pests.


Include some that naturally repel pests. For example, petunia flowers repel aphids, beetles, and squash bugs. Chrysanthemum flowers repel silverfish, roaches, and beetles.


3.。Buy Predator Insects

There are plenty of insects that pose no threat to your garden. And, they happen to help prevent pests that will do damage.


Here are some bugs and insects you might want to consider buying for your garden:

  • Praying Mantis
  • Ladybugs
  • 杏仁龙
  • 泥沼
  • Hover Flies

There are also animals that can help with your pest problem. Lizards and toads love eating slugs and snails. If you can introduce these species to your yard, you can eliminate your slug problem.

4. Make it Spicy

If you aren’t alreadygrowing herbs and spicesin your garden, you should. Not only are they delicious in meals, but they also protect your garden from pests.





Like any predator in the animal kingdom, pests will prey on the weak before the strong. Use this principle as motivation for your gardening.

Healthy and strong plants are less likely to attract pests. Weak, small, and sick plants are easy targets.




Homeowners in more rural areas might deal with bigger pests, like deer, voles, and rabbits. The best way to keep these hungry critters out of your garden is with a fence.



For smaller animals, a few feet might be okay if they can’t jump higher than that. Some rodents like to burrow and dig tunnels. To prevent their entry, bury the bottom of the fence a full foot deep.

To keep your fence in good condition, protect it from the weed trimmer.Read more here的好处using fence armor.

7. Diatomaceous Earth & Beer

One of the easiest ways to prevent pests is by spreading diatomaceous earth around your garden. This clay-like soil is made of diatoms, broken-down fossils.



Diatomaceous earth is all packedfull of soil nutrients。它充当土壤和有机农药的肥料。而且,它是粉丝们友好的。

Although it works for beetles and shelled-insects, it doesn’t work for slugs or snails. To prevent these pests, consider setting up a beer trap.

Slugs and snails love the smell and taste of beer. Place a shallow dish of beer in your garden to attract them. They’ll get intoxicated from drinking the beer after falling in and eventually die.

Ready to Get Rid of Garden Pests in Your Backyard?



Removing pesticides is just one way of making your garden more sustainable.Read herefor 10 more ways to have an eco-friendly garden.