
您是否知道平均办公室员工使用10,000 pieces每年打印机纸?


Electronic pay stubs can reduce your paper usage, along with bringing other efficient qualities to your business.

To learn 5 of the benefits of electronic pay stubs, keep reading below!



This can be even more of a nuisance when a business has a majority of part-time employees. If an employee doesn’t work until 4 days after payday, their paycheck can sit in an office and be forgotten there!


2. They Cut Down on Resources

When you use electronic pay stubs, you don’t have to put as much money into resources like paper and ink. This can make quite a dent in how much money you’re spending on office supplies.

Furthermore, it’s cutting down on paper waste in the grand scheme of things. If you’re striving to be an eco-friendly company, it’s in your best interest to use an electronic pay stub service, such aswww.paystubs.net.


Automatically generated payroll reports result in fewer errors than traditional methods. It makes the process of doing payroll each week much simpler, faster, and less stressful for all of the employees.


4.。They Modernize Your Company

If you want your business to have一种当代的形象,您应该将切换到电子工资存根。它为您的公司提供了更精致的外观。如果您使用的是所有最新技术,但仍然删除纸质薪水,那么您就在时代落后。

Many of the paperless pay stub software offers templates that make the process streamlined and modern.

5. They’re Easier for Your Employees

Your employees will be thankful that they don’t have to take time out of their day to go to the bank and deposit a paper check. It can also alleviate the worry of misplacing or losing their check.

If your employees need a copy of their pay stubs for taxes or to validate their income for health insurance applications, they can easily access them online. It eliminates the need to contact their employer and have to wait days for copies of their pay stubs.



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